September 16, 2024 | 9:06 pm
Resonant Hydrates Well Stimulation
Transitioning to a Low Carbon Economy
Innovative Investment in Energy
Energy availability underpins economic growth
Transition To Gas From Coal
Gas has to be from Hydrates in the largest growth energy markets in Asia due to domestic abundance and it provides energy security and independence.
Product Services
Enhance the safety of existing deepwater oil and gas facilities.
You are here:  / Partnerships | Advisory

Proposed partnerships and advisory boards for the development of the REHM well stimulation technology include the following : Academia

  • University of Connecticut, Department of Physics (sponsored research)
  • Texas A&M University, Department of Chemical Engineering (ongoing relationship)
  • University of Bergen (pending)


  • Harris (Tactical Communications division), Radio Frequency (RF) heating/subsurface
  • Baker Hughes (subsurface)
  • Horton Interests Inc. (inventor/patent holder for Spar Buoy)
  • D. Williamson Inc. (pigging and pipeline equipment)
  • Engineering procurement contractors


  • Lloyd’s Register (Energy division)
  • Risknology Inc.


Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited